Synergie Skin Geneius DNA Skin Analysis

Synergie Skin Geneius DNA Skin Analysis

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Have you ever wanted to know how your skin is going to age?

SkinGeneius is a revolutionary DNA test kit for skin wellness and ageing that examines 16 genetic markers (SNPs) in 6 unique categories.

Your skin’s genetic risk can’t be changed, but other outside factors can significantly influence whether your skin expresses these risks. Lifestyle factors and cosmeceutical skin care naturally plays a significant role in maintaining long term healthy skin.

Taking the SkinGeneius ten second DNA saliva test* allows you to ascertain whether you’re at increased risk of experiencing specific premature skin ageing traits. This test will alert you to the early warning signs of ageing and enable preventive strategies and products to be tailored to protect your skin’s future health and improve its appearance.

With prevention being paramount, the SkinGeneius genetic test is designed for early awareness and intervention before the problem becomes significant.

SkinGeneius identifies your genetic risks to the following six categories:

  1. Skin firmness and collagen
  2. Wrinkling and sugar glycation
  3. Solar damage protection
  4. Even skin tone and brightness
  5. Skin antioxidant levels
  6. Inflammation and skin sensitivity

*SkinGenius materials are to be used for information purposes only. They are not intended for, and should not be used to diagnose or treat, any diseases or medical conditions.

What is the process?

Follow the instructions in your kit and swab the inside of your cheek with the DNA collector.

Register your sample at (must complete in order to proceed).

Post your sample to our certified genetic testing laboratory using the bag supplied to you.
Postal address: Shop 10 Ground Floor, 10-14 Spring Street, Sydney NSW 2000

Receive your personalised report within 14 days from the time we receive your sample.

A bespoke Synergie Skin regimen is prescribed with recommendations based on your DNA.