
Repairing abdominal separation after giving birth

Repairing Abdominal Separation

A side effect of giving birth can be your abdominal muscles separating, medically known as Diastasis Recti, leaving your core weak and unable to function properly. So, what are your options to rebuild your core strength and repair the separation? Well, you can spend hours at the gym working your abs, or you can fix them with truSculpt® flex in one 45-minute session.

What is truSculpt® flex?
truSculpt® flex is a powerful machine that replicates intensified crunch and twisting actions, much like you would do in a gym work out. The difference is, your body does an intense work out whilst you relax. That’s right: strengthen, tone and increase your muscle mass by 30% without one sit-up or plank.

How does it work?

truSculpt® flex uses unique Multi-Directional Stimulation (MDS) technology to replicate intensified crunch and twisting actions. One 45-minute session of truSculpt® flex on your torso is the equivalent of 54,000 sit ups!

How many treatments will I need?

It will depend on your individual circumstances; however, you will experience results from your very first treatment. Book a consultation to find out more.

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